On the eve of Global Divestment Day, President Zuma confirms South Africa to...
[Media Statement]SONA 2015: on the eve of Global Divestment Day, President Zuma confirms South Africa to stumble deeper into addiction to fossil fuels 350Afrca.org statement in response to the State...
View ArticleHave you met Eugreen?
Like many South Africans, Eugreen thought that by banking with Nedbank, he’d be going with the green bank. But what many of us are now finding out is that South Africa’s banks are funding Africa’s...
View ArticleWhy Africa should join the fossil fuel divestment movement
Blog written by Alex Lenferna on ThoughtLeader: Concern for poverty in Africa is coming from the most unexpected places lately: the boardrooms of fossil fuels companies. Multimillionaire fossil fuel...
View ArticleWhy you need to think about coal on World Food Day
Yesterday was World Food Day, and across the globe, filtered Instagram shots of delightfully healthy, organic meals likely skyrocketed as people found reasons to celebrate the most delicious part of...
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